The current release available from the Amini Data Platform is released on .

Getting Started

Step 1: Go to the Download Center, and then choose a file to upload your geopolygons.

Step 2: Check if the file preview shows the file you were expecting to upload.

— If your uploaded file includes a start and end date for the query, then the next screen goes straight to the parameter selection.

— If your uploaded file only contains geopolygons, then you’ll be prompted to select the start and end dates for your query.

Step 3: Select the indices (or paramters) you want to download for the geopolygons you uploaded.

Step 4: Check the dataset preview and ensure that you have sufficient balance on your wallet for the computation cost of the dataset you’re downloading.

Step 5: Then, the job will be submitted to Amini platform. You can click ‘Check Status’ to the completion rate.

Step 6: Click on ‘Download CSV’ to download your requested dataset.

Optional: You can check the Job ID from your previous jobs to programatically re-run the query via the API endpoint or re-download the corresponding datasets.