Data Request
This endpoint allows you request for datapoints to be processed given your own locations of interest, along with a specified start and end date, which will be used to query the Data Catalog to then serve you the datapoints via a JSON payload.
Request Headers
A unique identifier used to authenticate the API request. This key is provided to developers upon registration and should be kept confidential.
The path to a file (CSV is the only file type supported at the moment) that contains the geopolygons, and start date and end date of query.
A list of paramters (e.g., spatial index like NDVI) that you want to request. Check the full list of supported datapoints for reference.
This contains the status message of your job. If successful, it will return ‘Job created successfully’.
The cost of the submitted job in USD ($).
The status of the job submitted.
A unique identifier for the job, which can be used to request datapoints by Job ID.