The current release available from the Amini Data Platform is released on .


This endpoint allows you to get the Job ID for all of the jobs you processed with your associated account. This helps you programmatically get the dataset request for all jobs in bulk.

Pagination is used to efficiently handle large datasets by dividing hem into smaller, more manageable pages. This is especially useful when dealing with APIs that return a large number of results.

Request Headers


This is how many pages you want to be used to return your job ID results. For example, if you select 2 pages with a value of 10 page_size (number of jobs per page) and you have 20 jobs associated with your account, then you will get 10 job IDs per page and those 20 jobs will be sub-divided into 2 pages.


The number of jobs per page.


A unique identifier used to authenticate the API request. This key is provided to developers upon registration and should be kept confidential.

It is important to make sure you leave enough pages for the total number of jobs you have associated with your account, otherwise, the response will return an error. For example, if you have 13 jobs but only allow for 1 page with 10 jobs per page, then you will see an error.



This is how many pages you want to be used to return your job ID results. For example, if you select 2 pages with a value of 10 page_size (number of jobs per page) and you have 20 jobs associated with your account, then you will get 10 job IDs per page and those 20 jobs will be sub-divided into 2 pages.


The start date of the job processed in date-time format.


The start date of the job processed in date-time format.